And then it was back to watching the Iron Man, yeah all three! But not in the same day as I started from Friday night. Sometimes a woman just needs a bit of sci fi in her life:). We ended our weekend with a celebration to Sam's Club. Grandpa Crews' promised Tessa that is crawls he would buy her a frozen yogurt. So my Tessa crawled last week and it was frozen vanilla yogurt for Tessa! They are such a wonderful couple and we are so blessed. It also has been a tiring week as Tessa was getting over a cold. And going up to Big Bear didn't help her either. But she was a trooper and she started crawling there!
Anyway, here's to a blessed rest of the week!
Clockwise: half pictured of pigs in a blanket (for the kids),
chapchae: ( sweet potato noodles sauteed with omelette strips, red bell pepper, onions, carrots and greens.
Pan fried tofu slices that has lots of garlic in it and made into salad.
Bulgogi: beef rolls with rice cake
Mandoo: pork dumplings
Joomukbap: rice triangles flavored with sesame oil and salt. The filling was plain tuna. I loved how simple this rice triangles were!.

My plate but Bruce forgot the tofu salad, what?